ABOUT STACIA VALLEYGreetings, I appreciate you wanting to know more about me through my website. I am a holistic healthcare practitioner. My strength to support you comes from my depth of perception and my life experiences. I am most interested in human life with a goal to help people find their balanced state of well-being. What excites me about EFT work is that it weaves together my professional and personal life experiences . I have a big tool box and here are some of my professional trainings. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, and certified in Cranial Sacral Therapy, The Embodied Present Process, and Family Constellations. I have also completed studies in cross-cultural shamanic practices, soulcraft work, and psychology. Through these tools I blend ancient healing techniques with present day science while stimulating acupressure points to contact the brain and bring calm.
Working peer to peer I custom craft each EFT session according to the client’s needs. I support deep inner work where all is welcome - the negative and the positive. Much of one's healing comes from relieving buried stress, therefore acknowledging self-defeating patterns leads to a new sense of freedom and self-acceptance. We liberate the conflict and this gives a new perspective. Let's tap and awaken to your divine worthiness! |
"The more connected you are with your inherent power and feeling safe with who you really are from the inside out, the more peaceful, creative, and dynamic your life will flow." - Stacia Valley
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