autumn equinox WORKSHOP 2019
$90 No one turned away for lack of funds. FIRST LEAF
The first of this year's
leaves let go and drifts, no breeze to bear it. With lazy grace the leaf unwinds its growing season in a dancing downward spiral, lands in silence, making of itself a perfect offering to the altar of the earth. by Danna Foulds
At the Fall Equinox on September 22, the sun moves into the land of Libra and starts the beginning of Autumn. The Equinox happens twice a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and results in equal hours of light and dark. This is a turning point in the astrological year representing the halfway mark of the sun’s journey through the 12 different constellations. I call this the journey of The Constellation Lands. We naturally want to fill up with the summer goods we have collected.
The Sun enters the land of LIBRA the moment of the Equinox. It ushers in a charming time and the need to set our relationships in a fair and balanced flow. We tend to stop being singularly focused and put our attention towards harmonizing with the world. Libra is ruled by Venus and influenced to share our harvest with joy and love easily seeing gratification of both giving and receiving. As the sun moves from the Libra into the land of SCORPIO on October 23, our energy moves towards consummating our relationships. We naturally start to feel more deeply and desire more intensity and truth. Scorpio influences us to investigate and be present to the subtle clues of wholeness. This helps us determine what is really going on and appreciate the depth of intimacy with our environment. Remember this is the time of year when the veils are thinnest and we honor our ancestors and friends who have passed over. Halloween, Day of the Dead and All Saints' Day remind us of transformation. It is a great time of year to walk and commune with Nature and developing keen listening skills. As we continue to feel the energy flow from light to dark entering into the Land of SAGITTARIUS on November 22 we feel fire from deep within and want to explore the last bit of sunlight of the season. Sagittarius energy is questing to understand personal truths now that we have been so deeply entrenched with others. Adventure calls and we feel free to quest to see what is greener over the mountains before settling in for the winter. It is the most optimistic sign of the year and we may have a tendency to overindulge. Come join in an afternoon of embodying
the natural cycle of the Fall. We will explore the principles of the season. Our activities will help our bodies fall inward and be more present to the transition from the full summer light to less sunlight. We will have a gift giving ceremony, deep guided meditation, and engaging exercises to help you embrace the gifts of the season.
Please bring a small item from your home that you feel represents the Fall. As a collective we will create a community altar to honor the season. In addition, please bring an item that you have an abundance of, or something that once meant a lot to you - but you are complete with and would like someone else to have. At the end of our day together we will have a formal Giveaway. Cynthia Spencer, Sound Weaving Specialist, will grace us with her singing bowls throughout the workshop. Feel free to contact Stacia with questions, curiosities or excitement. Read more about the Embodied Seasons workshop cycle. |
"Because of my work with Stacia, I have a better understanding of who I am and where I come from. Through Stacia's teachings I am able to see the simplicity and beauty in people and all living things. I have great gratitude for her." - Christine
© 2019 Stacia Valley. 206-819-3194
Web design by Strazzanti Photography & Art, LLC
Web design by Strazzanti Photography & Art, LLC