The Winter begins with the final signs of the zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. These signs work to organize society into a unified whole to ensure stability as we enter into a New Way of life in 2020.
The Sun entered the land of Capricorn at 8:19 pm on the evening of the Winter Solstice 12/22/2019 and is there until 1/20/2020. Capricorn is an ambitious energy that invites the Sun back towards the Spring as the days begin to get longer. This sign is full of rich potential as we dream of what is most important to us. Being the last earth influence of the year Capricorn helps us be realistic. It influences us to get the job done and bring closure to our year in the most practical way as we surrender to our deep foundations and pause in the darkness of winter. This is the most potent time of year to replenish our bodies with the nutrients of the Earth and conserve for the planning for the coming Spring. Capricorn energy helps us trust that we will find our rightful placement one step at a time as we enter into a new decade that is ushering us into a new world! Capricorn rules our bones, skin and knees. When we awaken from our surrender to the Earth on January 20,2020 @ 9:55 AM, the sun moves into the land of Aquarius and we may start to stray a bit from our safe hibernating cave. It is Martin Luther King Day and he being a reformer was a great example of living a soul centered life. Now we are in the New Year of the WORRIOR- 2020 it is calling us to Listen, observe and live our soul truth. Aquarian energy Wants to be authentic to its soul calling. It being the last Air sign of the zodiac knows how to spread its wings and fly unlike any other. Aquarian energy helps us understand we all have unique medicine and when shared influences the soul of the collective. When each individual expresses its personal soul it helps create the whole of humanity. It is the mid part of the winter season and we feel the light beginning to grow, however don’t get caught up in doing too much, Winter is for “time out”. Even though we are seeing signs of the first buds waking up it is still cold outside and a time for dreaming into the coming Spring schedules. Aquarius rules our calves and ankles. On February 19, 2020 @12:00 AM, we move into the last part of winter and splash into Piscean energy. As we are feeling renewed you start to awaken to your intuition more keenly. You are coming out of the abyss of slumber and a stirring in your pelvic bowl is ready to swim out into the world with healthy new healing energy. This is the last water sign of the zodiac and connects us strongly with our spiritual life and altered states of reality. Rather we hold a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or earth based spiritual practice, the dark is starting to merge with the light and fill us with a hope for a new beginning. As we shine our light from the spirit that lives within us, we may feel a fierce willingness to open more fully and be present equally with the invisible and visible world. If we have allowed ourselves to surrender, rest and renew, we will be ready to plant new ways of life as we open to the beauty of Spring. Pisces rules our feet. “One does not become enlightened How do you see the light forming in the dark? On this planet earth we are born, we live and then we die. From the beginning of time indigenous people recognized they came from Mother Earth and honored her. The natural cycles of the earth have a lot to offer us and can make life easier if we release the idea that our intellectual form of living is safe and always has the best light to lead us. The safest and most stable way to live on Earth is to be in relationship with the earth of ourselves. How do we clean the residue of experience we have acquired on our life’s journey and surrender to the principals of our true nature? perhaps one way is to let go of doing so much and relax into the natural cycles of our environment. Maybe we don’t have to work so hard to live fully. Maybe we can allow our inner light to guide our way during dark times. Perhaps by attuning to the principals of nature we can gain strength, insight and a long enjoyable life. I would like to share a story of making the darkness conscious…. One spring evening I was out walking into a deep canyon with some friend. We were looking for some companions who were already set up at a camp and waiting for us to arrive. When we had left our car, it was sunny out and we forgot to bring our flashlights. But as we walked along chatting, we got lost and it became dark and dangerous. We had crossed over a stream and that is when I knew we were off track. One woman became scared and started to cry so loud I could not here the signs of nature to help us know where we were. I asked her if I could hold her and all of us get very quiet. We played a game of closing our eyes and asking our inner light to tell us the next step to take. Soon we acclimated to the dark sky and were able to trace back to the correct trail. "To go into the dark with a light is to know the light, to know the dark, go dark.” This is a true way to find the many treasures of being in the dark. We need to allow ourselves to be in silence and feel what is around us waiting to be a guide in our life. As we connect to the solitude and darkness of winter is when we find our true source of light. This is making the darkness conscious and we learn to trust our quiet inner self.
The Season of Winter is a “time out”. It is when we naturally rest, sleep, eat and rejuvenate the inner nature of ourselves. Don’t let the outer appearance of the gray dark clouds or the dormant trees fool you into thinking they are dead. They aren’t, they are replenishing and dreaming into the next season. The Winter Solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year and invites us to recognize the presence of the light of our soul. It reminds us that we are never alone and have many allies in the silence of the dark. Imbolc marks the mid-season of winter at the beginning of February and starts nudging us to awake from the delightful slumber of rest. May you carry the silence like a mother carries her child to its full stature into the Spring Equinox and prepare the soil to plant your dreams. Here is to a happy slumber as you surrender to the deep mystery of winter life! |